工作时间 周一至周五 :8:30-17:30 联系方式 邮箱 Email:sales@geohydrosolution.com 手机 Mobile:0086-186 6971 1816 |
![]() GeoHydro Solution Ltd 公司创立于2005年,我公司主要致力于为国内的客户提供水下的解决方案。 我公司长期以来一直从事海洋观测设备的引进集成和分销,同时承揽海洋工程测量和施工,我们的国外客户和合作伙伴涵盖了ROV厂家,AUV厂家,配套传感器厂家,导航定定位,物理海洋,水文水质,海洋工程等各个领域,我们能提供从CTD、ADCP、水听器、相机、声纳、测深侧扫、浅剖到大型的海洋钻机宽覆盖的产品领域。自创立至今已经为国内的众多行业内的商业测量公司、高校以及科研院所提供了大量的仪器设备和系统的解决方案,并且承揽了多项海洋测量和监测项目,在用户心目中有着良好的口碑。 为了便于公司业务的开展并且本着为用户提供及时周到的服务的理念,我公司在中国香港和中国内地的青岛设立了专门的公司用于对接用户的需求和为用户提供最近的技术支持和商务联络。 我公司秉承合作共赢,技术为主的理念,希望同广大朋友建立起长期的合作关系,为国家海洋探测提供我们力所能及的帮助。 Geohydro Solution Ltd is a high-tech company which been established at 2005, we are the pioneer for marine and subsea industry solution. In order to provide localsupport and contact, we setup two companies in Hongkong and the city of Under the support of our partners,we can supply more than 100 different products and systems, our service coverfrom basic sensors to complicated system. We company is the representative ordistributor of CathxOcean, OSI, MarineElectronics, RTSYS, ATLAS Northamerica,WASSOC,GuidanceMarine, Blueprint ,Impactsubsea, SME, Tecnadyne, Neptune, OLEX, In-situ, GSERentals,Geoforce, METAS... We already supported Chinese4500m AUV,4500m ROV and 7000m "Jiaolong Manned Submarine" and somekey state project "973""863""126",Yangtze RiverDynamic Monitoring system and Bohai Bay and Yellow Sea boundary survey project and some keyrenewable wind farm site survey and investigation projects. We already established stableand reliable relationship with most of the key research institutes and universities,we had deep relationship with most of shipyards and commercial survey companiesand government departments. Our key customer includes HongKong university, We hope to work with you andhelp you to achieve the goal which under the blue water. Geohydro Solution Ltd. |